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Can you completely get rid of dark circles without fillers and surgery?


Have you tried everything under the sun to get rid of those dark circles?

Serums & Eye Creams? 


Cold Compresses

Cucumbers & Tea Bags?


The answer to this use to be NO! The only solution was being able to cake on the concealer, bake it with heavy powder and apply daily treatments to help reduce the appearance.


Permanent under-eye concealer

now exists.

Wake up looking fully refreshed and well-rested, every single morning.



What is Permanent Under-Eye Concealer Tattoo?

Permanent under-eye concealer is a permanent makeup treatment designed to recreate the effects of regular concealer, so, to camouflage dark circles under the eyes. The final result is meant to brighten the area under the eyes, but this effect is achieved through the injection of pigments into the skin. 

How Does It Work?

Dark circles are the result of – you guessed it – dark tissues and blood vessels underneath the skin. And as the eyelid skin is thin and lacks opacity, they can easily show through. The cosmetic pigment acts as a buffer between the skin and the underlying darkness; consider it the protective barrier that diffuses darkness before it can emerge onto the surface of the skin.

How Does This Work Better Than Regular Everyday Concealer?

Think of it this way: your makeup is covering the under-eye darkness that has already penetrated through the skin – so its only sitting on the surface of the skin, so therefore discoloration is only minimized temporarily. Whereas the cosmetic pigment acts as a brightening film directly below the actual under-eye skin – bypassing the need for heavy makeup.















What Does The  Procedure Involve?

Tattoo ink is used for this procedure, the color is customized to the client’s skin tone. You will see the change right away, but it will take a few weeks for the final result. This procedure requires more than one visit to get complete coverage. Average amount of sessions most clients get is 3-4!


How Much Does Permanent concealer cost?

Permanent makeup is cosmetic tattooing to create the appearance of powder. Permanent concealer costs $400 a session.  3 pack session for $825, Or a 4 pack for $925

We do not recommend only doing 1 session as results are based on a multiple sessions. Please only do an individual session if this is just a "touch up/refresh" session


How long does permanent concealer last?

Permanent makeup will last forever, but It will fade over time because the pigment is made with inorganic and organic minerals and that is affected by the sun also our skin exfoliates. That is why we offer yearly refreshes to keep your permanent makeup looking its best!

It takes 3-4 treatments on average to cover about 80-90% of the dark circles. The method is for people who don’t want to wear makeup but still want to look awake. The “treatment” isn’t supposed to replace concealer, and you even might need small amounts to have a perfect look.  We numb the area so most people feel little to no pain.  It typically lasts about 3-4 years before fading occurs.


After Care for permanent concealer procedures:

The camouflaged area will become swollen and reddened after the procedure. With these steps, the healing process will be better and faster.

  • The first 72 hours: Make a compress using gel ice only and cool it in the refrigerator (do not freeze it)

  • After 72 hours: Stop the cold compresses and start applying the dermal restoration ointment for one week.

  • Avoid the sun until completely healed.

  • Do not massage the area.

  • Avoid any laser treatment on the area.



We are a busy studio and put a lot of passion and time into our work. No call/no-shows really do hurt us greatly as we block out a good chunk of time for every appointment scheduled. Due to several of these happening we, unfortunately, must now implement a New Client Non-Refunding Booking Fee of $25-$100 dollars depending on the treatment being booked. Your full booking fee will go towards your treatment on the day of your appointment.  We hope you all understand as we really do love our clients and you will see when you visit us we are more than just a business and you will love it here!

New Clients If something comes up and you need to reschedule please give us 24hrs notice and we will reschedule you ONE time at no additional cost.  If less than 24hrs or no call/no show a non-refundable  50%  deposit of your treatment will need to be paid before a reschedule can be made (we will apply your booking fee towards that 50% deposit)

Returning & Current clients - If you are a returning or current client no booking fees are required to book your appointments.  If you know us then you know we really do appreciate each and every one of you, so thank you! We work with our clients and go above and beyond to make you feel comfortable, relaxed, and to show you that we care! We will work with you on schedule even if it is outside our normal business hours. We will get you in last minute if we can, come in early, stay late.. we will try and work with everyone's schedule as much as we can! You can text or call us when you need us outside of normal business hours for questions, scheduling,  or just to say hi! We try and keep the phone with one of us to respond back as quickly as we can outside of studio hours. We will work with you if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment as much as we can... however, a rescheduling fee may apply!

WHEN WILL RESCHEDULING FEES APPLY? - rescheduling fees will occur 100% when a No-Call/No-Show occurs.

when multiple last minute or less than 24hrs notice happen additional fees may start being applied.

All we ask is for you to communicate with us and we will work with you as much as possible. However, No-Call/No-Shows will occur a minimum of $250 fee or 50% of treatment cost whichever is less

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